About me
Welcome! I am a first year Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan. Before this, I worked as a research assistant at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, under the supervision of Prof. Yuh-Jye Lee. My research interests broadly encompass statistical methodologies, information theory, and machine learning with a recent focus on secure, privacy-preserving algorithms in machine learning.
I received my M.S. in Statistics in 2023 and B.S. in Mathematics in 2021, both from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU).
📖 Thrilled for the opportunity to begin my Ph.D. journey in Statistics at University of Michigan this Fall!
I’ll be leaving for four months to carry out the obligatory military service. Contact through Email is still available, possibly with late reply.I’m back!🏀 We won the 2nd place in basketball at the national athletic competition for graduate statistics programs in Taiwan (統研盃)! [photo]
🏆 I received an Honorable Mention in the Chinese Statistical Association Thesis Award, awarded at NTHU (35th Anniversary Conference).
(It’s pretty special to receive this recognition at the place my journey took off!)📝 The paper “Federated Learning for Sparse Principal Component” got accepted by IEEE Big Data 2023!
💼 Joined the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica. Good to be back.
🎓 Graduated from NTHU. Six years, a journey both lengthy and swift.
🗣️ Presented at Data for Social Good (D4SG) Project Symposium.
🗣️ Presented at The 32nd South Taiwan Statistics Conference.
🎓 Passed the Master’s Thesis Defense!